Teach with Lernsys and earn great money as an independent contractor. Earn 50% or more with each course you sell to our community of students. Be your own boss and get paid for teaching what you love.
Create your academic course using the easy-to-use online tools we provide for free. You can create your course from home, school, a library, or from our state-of-the-art recording studio. You can create as many courses as you wish.
Once you've created your course, or during each step of the process, you can upload it to our proprietary cloud-based system. We will take care of promoting, marketing and selling your course.
Your course will be available for purchase to millions of students around the world and can be resold over and over again, giving you a nearly unlimited income potential. You can keep track of your sales online and in real time.
Got an idea? Turn it into a course and start making money. Millions of students are in need of academic courses and Lernsys makes it easy for you to cash in on the action. Plus, we'll provide you the tools to help you get started.
Need extra money and more free time? As an independent teacher with Lernsys, you've got the freedom and flexibility to teach what you want, when you want. Set your own limits to your earning potential. You are in control.
Whether you need extra income or are saving for something big, Lernsys gives you the freedom to earn extra money by reselling the same course you have created over and over again, without having to put any additional work each time. Choose what to teach. Create your course. Start making money. It's that simple.